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A Bit About Me

I have a heart of a child but I am pretty driven in mastering the art of what I love to circle. Deep in the magnificent field of Early Childhood Education, I teach children by setting up their environment and allowing them to take risks as they choose the many ways to explore. As they do, I learn what they enjoy and the environment changes. I do the same with helping out clients with cosmetics, bottle cap merch, websites, and my very own music. I do this because it is fun for me and I notice it is for others (eventually). We learn and grow together. There is a set curriculum or design template but possibilities are endless my friends!

I am currently attempting to take on the task of Super Mom as an independent homeschooling head master/teacher, chef, maid, doctor, and all those other hidden talents a mother acquires. I have this website to help fund motherhood. Being a mother is the best job I have ever had!

Super Mom with child

Work Experience

April 2016 - present

2012 - present

2007 - present

May 2004 - present

1998 - present

I became a Younique Presenter but I had worked in the field of beauty around 2002 and hopped around it for a few years until I dove into the field of Early Childhood Education. I fell in love with helping families care for their children.


I believe my first B is Bridgie song was recorded in 2007, As We Blossom

Happy Circle began to blossom when I first worked at a preschool in the Early Childhood Education field. I went to Vanguard University and received the Early Childhood Certificate in 2008.

I can't pin point when I first dabbled in web design but I was in high school. I took R.O.P. and tried to go to college but hands on learning is the best route for me and still is.

This may have been when I first became serious in hand painting circles. I worked as an apprentice for my aunt's business. It wasn't until around 2004 that I started CAF Bottle Caps.

 C.A.F. Bottle Caps the original "circle products" since 2004 


The documentary of Jesus' love for me.

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